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  • #1373



    I have 3 major problems about the SNS NOVA theme, please see below

    A. Menu – Netvigator Bar
    If use Safari Browser, the zoom in/out function cannot be opened. Reversely, IE, Chrome and Firefox which is okay to read.

    B. Base Skin URL / Base JavaScript URL
    I use subdomain for Unsecure / Secure on Web setting.
    Base Skin URL = cdn.xxx.com/skin
    Base Media URL = {{unsecure_base_url}}media/
    Base JavaScript URL = cdn.xxx.com/js/

    However, the social & other reponsive “icon” is missed and show the blank “SQUARE” icon.

    C. Product Page content
    Because we need to add the product image in description. After adding, it is show half contents and cannot see the entire descirption page. If we change to use the text without adding the image, it can be read entirely.

    Pls help to advice how to solve above issues

    Many Thanks


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