Forum Forum Magento Theme SNS Nazic – Magento Theme Deals of the day

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  • #471


    Hi , ive a problem with the theme , it is about the products with special prices and the block for them on home page ( Deals of the day )

    Ive several producs , they are visible , in stock and has quantity.
    The products are in root categoy , some of them have special prices set, this attribute is visible also , but on the home page in the block Deals of the day, ive got only an alert , that says ( There are no products matching the selection ).


    P.S. You got little js bug on the modal where the editor opens , onMouseDown in textarea or input the modal shouldnt be draged , instead the user should be able to select a part of the text , perhaps z-index issue. ( Browser testet on : FF v36 on Ubuntu 14.04)

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