Forum Forum Magento Theme SNS Nova – Magento Theme Shipping methodt – cvs not working corectly…

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  • #1264


    Hi there,
    i have tried to explain few times already but with no luck…
    Please could you go to:
    and add lets say ten products in to the basket…
    Than go to the cart page and get the quote for the shipping costs…
    This should show £31.5 according to the cvs configuration file….
    Now please change the quantity from 10 to 50 for example….
    According to the cvs file it should show £40 for anything above 12….
    However as you can see if you entered 50 and updated the cart it it shows £0.00 for shipping costs…
    Please could you look at this and give us a clue why this is happening…
    We have checked all the settings, stock availability and everything that could be incorect, but nothing seems to work…
    Please help
    Thank you

    1. No-VAT-incl..csv

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