Forum › Forum › Prestashop Theme › SNS Ostore – Prestashop Theme › Template Issues
May 25, 2015 at 5:36 pm #4019
Hello Support!
We purchased the template and we are basically pretty happy with it. There are just some things, which are not working, after applying the template to our previous shop.
Here is the list, for the problems:
1. How can we connect the slider to a link? (We don’t want to use the button function)
2. How can we activate the hover function? After replacing the images on the front page, (Default 1 I think) they were not working anymore and we had to active the button function , so there is any kind of movement left.
3. Product images are not shown (questionmark image). How can we reactivate them? (Pic 1)
4. On Windows and Android mobile devices the template is deplaced, any solutions? (Pic 2)
5. Sliders are not on the right position (main problem is Windows, IE/ Mozilla and Chrome)
6. Item presentation is not correct (Pic 3)
– price goes through the line
– product images are not displayed
– quantity field is not available or shown when quantity is not valid for a product (like streaming products)7. The product preview doesn’t show the flag “DEAL” or “Special Offer”, or in our case “STREAM” (Pic 4)
8. The template is not able to show the Presta standard module “TAGS” (Can’t add 5th picture)
We even deactivated it in the backoffice9. PrestaVOD Module is not working on Windows PC’s
This Ticket is pretty urgent for us, so we are looking forward to get a support from you as soon as possible. If you need any further information, please let us know.
Our website is available under:
Thanks and kind regarts,
Tim AbelsM:
T: +49 160 61 44 583MWM Media GmbH
Postbox 163
9320 Arbon
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