


To edit the testimonial:you need make these steps:
1, Go to sns_lamino\app\design\frontend\sns_lamino\default\template\sns\blocks\testimonial.phtml
2, Replace:<?php echo $themeCfg->getField(‘testimonial_title’); ?>
by <?php echo $this->__($themeCfg->getField(‘testimonial_title’)); ?>
3, Replace:<?php echo $testimonial[‘description’]; ?>
by <?php echo $this->__($testimonial[‘description’]); ?>
4, Replace:<?php echo $testimonial[‘name’]; ?>
by <?php echo $this->__($testimonial[‘name’]); ?>

To edit title ‘sale’:you need make these steps:
1, Go to sns_lamino\app\design\frontend\sns_lamino\default\template\sns\products\sale.phtml
2, Replace:<?php echo $this->title;?>
by <?php echo $this->__($this->title);?>

To edit footer:you need make these steps:
1, Go to sns_lamino\app\design\frontend\sns_lamino\default\template\page\html\footer.phtml
2, Replace:<?php echo $this->getCopyright() ?> <br />
by <?php echo $this->__($this->getCopyright()) ?> <br />
3, Replace:SNSTheme.Com
by <?php echo $this->__(‘SNSTheme.Com’); ?> <br />

To edit left & middle links in footer:you need make these steps:
1. Go to admin >> CMS >> Static block >> lamino_footer_left, lamino_footer_middle1, lamino_footer_middle2, lamino_footer_middle3
2, edit for each storeview
