Hello again,
the it support has found out that in the quickstart installation process, among other errors,
this one occurrs:
The cms_category_shop is never created.
So you can never acces to it in the Dashboard.
Also, we have found out that we are unable to apply tax rules, wich is basic because we are operating in different countries with different tax rules.
Please, look into it.
To sum up, the list of errors to solve so far are:
– the “About Us” page leads to a non existing page
– in the Dashboard –> Preferences –> CMS you get “Category cannot be loaded” error (because it is never created in the installation process)
– fonts get replaced automatically by “Arial” when you perform any change in the SNS Theme.
– you can’t apply tax rules in the dashboard.
These errors represent a heavy setback in our activity. we are relying on you to solve them or to launch a new quickstart version with everything OK.
We really want to rate you high in envato, but so far the SNS Nova template has bugs that need an atent revision.
Thanks again,
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