

can you help please where exact i need add tag a. i try before but all time baner is crushed

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<p class=”claim large” data-position=”154,0″ data-in=”right” data-out=”fade”>iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus </p>
<p class=”teaser large” data-position=”215,0″ data-in=”bottom” data-out=”left” data-delay=”500″>iPhone 6 isn’t simply bigger — it’s better in every way. Larger, yet dramatically thinner. More powerful, but remarkably power efficient. With a smooth metal surface that seamlessly meets the new Retina HD display. It’s one continuous form where hardware and software function in perfect unison, creating a new generation of iPhone that’s better by any measure. <label class=”buttons-action”><span>Shop Now</span> <span>Member</span></label></p>
