


– Issue breadcrumbs: Please give uri. So, i will have a closer look at your issue

– Translations:
+, Upsell Products: You can translate for “Upsell Products” not “Upsell products”
+, “X was added to your shopping cart” It it file: It’s in file app/design/frontend/default/sns_nova/template/sns/ajaxcart/head-script.phtml – this is file reder to javascript. So, you will cannot see via Magento inline translation
You can find with key echo Mage::helper('ajaxcart')->__(' in file app/design/frontend/default/sns_nova/template/sns/ajaxcart/head-script.phtml to know what lable you need translate.

– Option change text color for body via admin panel: We’ll consider to update it
