With the other issue —-gm-a shows the correct cost up to quantity 24; if i select 25 it shows 0… gm-b does the same but up to 41 (select quantity 41 and the shipping cost of £40 will be added, select 42 and it shows and adds 0…)??? Would you be able to point me in the right directions…—–
If you add a gm-a product in to your basket and you go to the cart you will be able to get the quote for the shipping costs.If you change the quantity of products to 5 and update the cart the shipping costs quote will update according to the tablerates.csv; if you change the quantity to 20 and update the cart the shipping costs will also update according to the tablerates.cvs; but if you change the quantity to 50 for example and update the cart the shipping costs will show 0.00.
I created the tabelrates.cvs in the way so it should show £40.00 for anything above 12 (quantity); i works only to a certain quantity and than shows £0.00….
Could you have look at the file tablerates i send yesterday and see if it has the right configuration to work as i wish..
Thanks very much again, sorry for being a pain but this if my first magento project and it is incredibly overwhelming…
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