

Hi, thanks the response.
On the homepage wher i have the product catalogue (All Products), under each product i have its name and the price (http://www.envo.happytesting.co.uk/).

On all category pages:
each product has its name, price and the “Be the first to review this product”

The individual product page also has the “Be the first to review this product” just under the tier price (http://www.envo.happytesting.co.uk/bags/green-mailers/gm-a-2/gm-a.html?options=cart).

1. For the time being we are not going to use the reviews feature at all so i dont need the “Be the first to review this product” anywhere on the website – but if i am right you already give me the solution to remove this….

<——–You can go to file: app/design/frontend/default/sns_nova/template/catalog/product/list.phtml find and replace the bellow code:<?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, false, true)?>——>

2. We would like and need to implement the tier price which is featured on the single product page (Buy 4 for £20.00 each and save 29%) please look at the
just under the Availability: In Stock
on all the above pages (home, category) exactly where the review notice is at the moment; so where we have the “Be the first to review this product” we would like to have the “Buy 4 for £20.00 each and save 29%” – of course the figures would very.
The tier price is our lowest possible price and we would like to be able to feature this price on every page under each product.

I hope it all make sense.
Thanks again
