Forum Forum WordPress Theme SNS Simen – MultiPurpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme Product thumb images weird cropping

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  • #21854


    Hi, my product thumbnails for the ‘similar products’ and product listings on the homepage do not crop the same way. I have tried all sorts of different pixel variations in Woocommerce->Settings->products and settings->media and I still have weird looking thumbnails. I also use the regenerate thumbnail plugin. Please can you advise me how to fix this? I’ve attached screenshots of my settings and the issue. I’ve tried pixel sizes from 100 to 2k so I don’t know what to do anymore.

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-07-03-at-5.49.59-PM.png

    2. Screen-Shot-2016-07-03-at-5.49.46-PM.png

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