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  • #21372



    Our website is in 3 languages. and since a few days the products are just visible/ clickable in two languages (EN-NL) but there is probably something changed and now if we click on our Spanish products the 404 page will appear.
    The strange thing is that if you are for example on the English product page and you switch to the spanish one, the product are visible in ES too.
    So there I found out that it goes wrong in the link.
    for example : http://www.meyou-andthezoo.com/es/product/5-lindas-tarjetas-postales/
    AND if I write PRODUCT in the URL it works correctly.
    see: http://www.meyou-andthezoo.com/es/product/5-lindas-tarjetas-postales/

    So could you please tell me how I can fix this.
    I’ve tried it already in the permalinks but without succes.
    So please advice.

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