Forum Forum Magento Theme SNS Codia – Magento Theme Importing products via Dataflow – Profiles

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  • #13409


    In the last question I asked about editing products that is imported via Dataflow – Profiles.
    I also asked my server’s support but they were not fixed.
    I examined database using phpadmin and I found that there were two fields for each product name, description, short description etc.
    So after I edited one of the imported product’s name in admin, I checked phpadmin one of the column for product name is edited but it is not shown in front end. That’s why I thought I couldn’t edit imported product names.
    I searched for the web about bugs in Dataflow – Profiles, but I couldn’t find them.
    What about your local circumstances?

    p.s. When I add products in admin(not using Dataflow – Profiles), only one field is found for each product name, description, short description etc. in phpadmin database.

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